How to create Post Processing Events in MWS

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In the previous blog we learnt types of ATS events and now we will see how to create scheduled events in MWS.

In continuation with previous blog...

1. Now we are on the beow screen.

2. Go to the tab Scheduled Events and there you will see the + option as highlighted.

Note : If you want to search any events you can use the option Event Name Textbox and click on Search button.

3. Click on the + option and below is the screen that gets pop up.
  • Click on the first radio option A new event
  • Event Name  - You should provide the Event name here that you want to give/call it.
  • Description - Description textbox where you can explain the working/behaviour of this event. This is optional field.
  • Click on ok

Note :  There is one more radio option A copy of an existing event which you can see in the screenshot.
  • Click on the radio option A copy of an existing event
  • You will see the TextBox gets enabled when you click on the radio option
  • In the TextBox you can search the existing event of which you wants to create a copy of
    • Ex : Lets say there is a existing Post processing Event called TransferFiles and you wants to create a copy of it. Then select the second radio option and in the TextBox give TransferFiles.  
  • Event Name  - You should provide the Event name here that you want to give/call it but remember it should be different then the existing one.
    • Ex : In this case you can give something like TransferFiles_copy
  • Description - Description textbox where you can explain the working/behaviour of this event. This is optional field.
  • Click on ok

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